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Creating a pet-proof home with FCB Homes

How to Pet Proof Your Home

Jul 25, 2017

Pets have become more than just animals; to many they are family members who deserve to be just as safe and comfortable at home as we are. The following tips can help make sure your home is safe for your pet.
Baby-Proof Your Home
While your pets may not be actual human children, you can still use many of the same tools you use to baby-proof a home to keep your pets safe as well, including baby gates, electrical outlet covers, power strip covers, and safety locks for cabinets.
Keep It Out of Reach
One of the most important things you can do to keep your pets safe is to keep dangerous items like cleaning products, medication, paint and food out of reach of your pets. Placing safety locks on your lower cabinets, securing your trash cans, and closing the lid of your toilet are easy ways to keep your pets from consuming toxic products.
Close the Doors
Closing the doors is a simple way to keep your pets out of certain areas of your home. Limiting their access in your home is a great way to control where they can go within your home and limits the areas where they can behave badly or have bathroom accidents.
Stay Vigilant Against Clutter
Pets will chew on just about anything so keep your home clean and make sure to pick up smaller items like hair clips, rubber bands, or even larger things like your reading glasses or favorite pair of shoes. Basically, put everything you don’t want your pets to chew on or get into away from their reach. This also includes electrical wires.
Choose Pet-Friendly Indoor Plants
Just like regular food may be harmful to pets, there are certain types of plants that can also be dangerous if eaten. Some common, but toxic, plants include lilies, amaryllis, poinsettia, mums, and aloe vera. If these plants are in your home, make sure to place them where your pets cannot reach them. And if you’re considering bringing home new plants, check out the ASPCA’s database of Toxic and Non-Toxic Plants to make sure your plants are safe.
These tips may seem overwhelming but pet-proofing your home is worth the time and expense to make sure you pets remain safe.